Below is an education guide from the European Lung Foundation BREATHE Dec 2008
This website addresses air travel issues:
and it provides helpful tips for those traveliing with lung diseases.Related to this, this next website provides good info for those traveling with portable oxygen is a very good site to start exploring this issue. Pre-departure preparations, etc are discussed. is another extremely helpful site when considering air travel for those with medical oxygen. Fitness to fly and airline index which allows POCs (Portable oxygen concentrators) are identified.
Some lung cancer patients simply would not want any knife slicing their chest, or radiation hitting their lungs or medications getting into their blood. Regardless of whatever reason they may have, they simply would not want nay of those. So , is there any way we can help theses patients? Maybe. Below is a recent article on Radio Frequency Ablation for lung cancer:
Below are audio files of interesting topics I hear every now and then. They are properties of AudioDigest foundation and in no circumstances are claimed by this website. you may go to theri website to check for new free downloads.